Early Child Development
and Well-being
What are the building blocks for educational achievement, economic productivity, responsible citizenship, lifelong health, and successful parenting of the next generation?
Scientific evidence tell us the early years, particularly from birth to five years, are the most active period to establish healthy brain development. The quality of a child’s earliest environments and the availability of appropriate experiences at the right stages of development are crucial determinants of the way each child’s brain architecture develops. Each topic below explains the essential influences for your child to thrive or derail their development stages.
An amazing transformation takes place during the first 5 years of life. With so much to learn before they start school, this is a memorable time and a life changing period of essential development.
Core concepts from the Center and the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, are the core domains of child development. Now give us a much better understanding of how early experiences are built into our bodies and brains, for better or for worse.
Responsive nurturing interaction shapes early infant/toddler brain development and builds connections that allow the development of lifelong skills.
Early child experiences has critical implications
on development. Disruptions in this early childhood development can derail this development process.
Babies and toddlers need foods from all five healthy food groups: vegetables, fruit, grain foods, dairy and protein.
Healthy foods have nutrients that are important for growth, development and learning.
Follow your child's appropriate Ages and Stages links to help you learn more about what to expect from your child’s development, positive parenting, safety, and health at each stage of your child’s life.
Positive social and emotional development in the early years provides a critical foundation for lifelong development and learning.
By age 3, most children are already using executive function skills in simple ways (e.g., remembering and following simple rules). Ages 3-5 show a remarkable burst of improvement in the proficiency of these skills...
Children thrive when dads are responsive to them, warm, loving and involved with their lives. Evidence shows neglect can have lifelong implications.
The single most common factor for children who have developed resilience is at least one stable and committed relationship with a supportive parent, caregiver, or other adult.1 High-quality relationships are fundamental to children’s resilience.
The guide aims to discuss the purpose of developmental screening and how it differs from child assessment. It aims to “translate” technical information about the reliability and validity of commonly-used developmental screening tools into language that is easily understood ....
According to the extensive research and studies by Harvard University, Center on the Developing Child, science tells us children and adults need certain capabilities to succeed in life.
Toxic stress is what happens when children are in a chronic state of defense for dealing with threat because of their continual exposure to stressful experiences.
Responsive relationships are both expected and essential, their absence is a serious threat to a child’s development and well-being. Fostering strong nurturing relationships can shield children from the impact of negative experiences and can create a protective barrier.